About Kulab.org
kulab.org is the Research Extension Page of Dr.K.Ulaganathan's laboratory, Centre for Plant Molecular Biology, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana, INDIA. These pages contain information generated by this laboratory which may be of use for researchers, teachers and students. This is purely an academic exercise only and all the information kept in this site are for information purpose only.
What is New ?
Read our latest Reiview Papers published recently:
1. Proteins for Breaking Barriers in Lignocellulosic Bioethanol Production
2. Nitrogen Nutrition, Its Regulation and Biotechnological Approaches to Improve Crop Productivity
Genomic Resources generated by kulab
We have been generating voluminous genomic resources through our research work. You are welcome to access these resources and use in your research. At present we have the following resources available
1. Genome of Saccharomyces cerevisae strain
2. Genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain
3. Genome of Fusarium oxysporum ricini
4. Genome of Bacillus pumilus strain isolated from Mesomorphus insect gut
5. Genome of indica rice cultivar Rp Bio-226
6. Genome of rice endophytic Pseudomonas aeruginosa
7. Urea responsive transcriptome of indica rice cultivar Rp Bio-226
8. Nitrate responsive transcriptome of indica rice cultivar Rp-Bio-226
9. Mitochondrial genome of indica rice cultivar Rp Bio-226
10. Chloroplast genome of indica rice cultivar Rp Bio-226
11. Control and Water stress responsive transcriptomes of Zea mays cultivar Z79
Collaborate with kulab
kulab wecomes collaboration by Researchers from any part of the world. We can help you in planning Genomic Research in the organism of intrest to you. We can provide complete Bioinformatics support for your genomic research. Interested Researchers can contact Prof. Kandasamy Ulaganathan